Friday, 6 February 2015

Tinned chunks - an introduction to the rejection of everything through moments in the description of deep opposition (part 10 in an extended series)

He does not think there is anything the matter with himbecauseone of the things that isthe matter with himis that he does not think that there is anything the matter with him

'No platform' is a specific technique of left power by which identified error is forbidden social appearance. (1/17)
I have resisted correction, and wilfully continue along a path of error. (2/17)
I have found that by recognising my own errors I arrest my proclivity to denounce the errors of others. (3/17)
Political practice is inseparable from the compulsion towards denunciation. (4/17)
The urge to denounce occurs only amongst those incognisant of their own errors. (5/17)
Therefore, by reason of arresting the tendency towards denunciation, I have succeeded in severing myself from politics. (6/17)
But no. But wait: doesn't my error feed into my love for the rationale of my error, which I use as a measure of truth? (7/17)
I find I love the wound, which is the truth that I extract from my error / the trauma of a truth found in my error, is the source of my going on in the world. (8/17)
Because I find myself in error, I cannot be found in error, so I extract a motive for going on. (9/17)
The movement between my error and my persistence further energises my presence in the world. (10/17)
I move further into the world through the use of my error as a measure of truth: I denounce others' denunciations, which I find to be a mark of their error. (11/17)
I find that they do not recognise their errors as errors, but use them as a measure of truth. (12/17)
Where truth functions as a rationalisation for the compulsion to denounce, it is severed from the capacity to recognise the traumas of others. (13/17)
The means of my further movement into the world, my denouncing of denunciation, is also a move further into error. (14/17)
My further error occurs in the arrest of my capacity to recognise that the error which others take to be their truth has originated as trauma. (15/17)
Political practice is inseparable from the conversion of trauma into denunciation. (16/17)
Therefore, by orchestrating moments in error, I have fallen back onto a platform that is adequate for politics. (17/17)

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